Friday, November 20, 2015

Photoshop Friday 11/20

I'm in a joking mood today so I decided to be a nerdy dork...



Great Hall

Here's the GIF, because...
19 Problems Only Book Nerds Understand: The urge to shout "Troll! In the dungeon!" in every place full of quiet people...
I thought you ought to know...

Thursday, November 19, 2015

A Pie Montage

Skyrim reasons for dying funny:

Today, I felt like pie. Not the food pie, don't get your hopes up we already had a food montage. No, today is a pie chart day. 

Skyrim funny. Reasons I swear in skyrim. Not really swearing, as much as screaming.:

Every other vendor in whiterun is open belethor, get your fucking act together because you're losing business! Hahaha #sotrue #skyrim #funny:

PLE charts - Bing Images:

Lastly, one additional not-pie chart:

Haha!!! Confused turtle!!! I'm a pure damage fighter. What it says about you. #skyrim:

Go on and be the confused turtle that you know you are!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

VanRipper GIF Showcase

Today I'm having a GIF montage, featuring the extremely talented VanRipper over at DeviantArt!
She has a ton of amazing designs. Go check her out!

skyrim_GIF_01 by VanRipper

skyrim_GIF_04 by VanRipper

skyrim_GIF_05 by VanRipper

skyrim_GIF_06 by VanRipper

For two more GIFs and a lot more of her work click here!

Still not satisfied? 
She has a short animation over on YouTube as well.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Mod Monday - Lore Based Loading Screens

There are a ton of mods out there that alter the loading screens. My favorite, however, is Lore Based Loading Screens by Chesko.

This mod adds in more lines to the loading screens that are soaked in Elder Scrolls lore. It also adds in more snippets from books.

We all get to the point when we have seen every loading screen and get bored. Loading screens are a fact of life, so why not make it more interesting?

There are many other loading screen mods out there. These are just a few:

Sheogorath themed loading screen text.
Uncle Sheo Does Legendary Loading Screens - by Elianora

Corrected grammatical errors on existing loading screens.
Grammatical Loading Screens - by Umaros

Gotta turn this thing around one more time before the load screen ends:

Friday, November 13, 2015

Photoshop Friday 11/13

I don't know about you guys but this week went by really fast for me because it's already Friday!

There's just one legitimate synonym for Friday: Boom Shakalaka -

This week Odahviing is attacking the tourists at the Washington Monument!

Washington Monument
