Monday, November 9, 2015

Mod Monday - Save the Dark Brotherhood! *Spoiler Alert*

This whole post has a
!!!Spoiler Alert!!!

So I have been in max "Hail Sithis!" mode for the past few days and in that spirit I'd like to talk about the dearly departed family members...

The dark brotherhood:
Oh! Wait! As with everything, there's a mod for that,

Yes, really! You can actually save the fallen members! You don't even have to save all of them! You can pick and choose who lives and who dies! And once they have been saved they relocate to Dawnstar (like they should) and are available for recruitment (and marriage). As a bonus the members will still communicate as they used to in Falkreath! They'll talk about their missions and adventures, even with the members who initially survived the fiasco. 

I love this mod. I was so depressed when the DB was massacred. They were my family. I loved them all, even Arnbjorn! (I still love Astrid. I understand why she did it but I don't approve. She's just so badass!) 
LOL! This just happened to me and I laughed so hard when he said it!!:

Now you don't have to run around with only nameless Dark Brotherhood Initiates and Cicero (but you know you still will)!

Now come on everyone!
Best greeting Cicero has ever said to me. Whenever I play Skyrim, he'll say it, and we go on a grand murder spree. Dark Brotherhood is life, yo.:
*in Skyrim only*

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