Monday, September 21, 2015

Mod Monday - Character Creation Overhaul

So, as I've said before, I really got into role playing with my Skyrim characters. Yeah vanilla Skyrim is wonderful for this but it needed a little extra umph and the Character Creation Overhaul by Syclonix gave it just what I needed.

Main image on the Nexus page.

One of my friends introduced me to Dungeons and Dragons and I liked the feel of it but I still craved my good old-fashioned Skyrim. The Overhaul helps add some of the Dungeons and Dragons feel to Skyrim by adjusting different stats for all races and both genders. It also allows you to choose one of the Standing Stones to have as a birthstone so you don't have to run all over the map to find your favorite.

Initial dialogue box that opens after creating your character at Helgen.

It also reuses the class system from Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion so those of you who transferred in will feel right at home. If you don't like any of the preexisting classes you can also make your own! Have a preexisting character you want to have a birthstone and class? No problem! When you boot up your previous save, a dialogue box will open and ask if you want to add them!

The Character Creation Overhaul is essential to creating dynamic characters in Skyrim who will have to try harder to succeed with different skills. I love it and recommend that any Skyrim role players out there check it out!

*Images from Character Creation Overhaul Nexus page.

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