Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Skyrim Calendar

Awhile back when I was even more obsessed with Skyrim than I was now, I made a calendar. A Skyrim calendar, in case you were wondering. I thought that it was ridiculous that Bethesda hadn't come out with a calendar that had Tamriel's month and day names. So I made one in Adobe Illustrator. This is an old project so it is by no means perfect but I decided to "release" it anyway (and maybe come out with a 2016 one in December).

Each page is average letter size so you can print it on your printer (and since the internet is intelligent, I'll let you work out the rest of the process). I pulled the images from the internet a long time ago and cannot cite their sources accurately so I won't post them. If I do come out with a 2016 calendar, the images will be my personal screenshots so we won't have this issue. (Note: There are a fair amount of errors in this calendar: it's supposed to be Hearthfire not Heartfire, June and July are both Sun's Height... I am not going to fix them, but I'll make sure that 2016 is correct.)

All of the calendar is on Flickr, but here I'll showcase the remaining months of this year:

September - Hearthfire

October - Frostfall

November - Sun's Dusk

December - Evening Star

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