Monday, September 14, 2015

Welcome to Ruminations!


Ruminations on the Elder Scrolls is actually a real book in Skyrim. (Stay tuned this Saturday to read the book itself.) Once I was introduced to Skyrim, it took over my life. After my brother realized I was becoming addicted and cut me off, I literally dreamed that Alduin was attacking our house! My brother had Skyrim on Xbox and when I got Skyrim for my PC I continued to use an Xbox controller. Now, I know that some of you may look down upon me for using a controller but I DON’T CARE. This is my blog and I will run it as I wish.

Every Monday I will blog about one of my favorite Skyrim mods (from the Nexus, specifically). From hence forth, Mondays will be known as Mod Mondays. Throughout the week I will blog about various things in Skyrim that I love or have a comment on, while on Saturdays I’ll post screenshots from my in-game Skyrim experience.

I’m sure that you’re wondering if I am “qualified” to even have a Skyrim blog. Well, I’ll have you know that I am at level 85 in my main profile. (Check back tomorrow to see all of my characters!) I have each expansion and have messed with various mods. I have gotten to the point where I feel like I have done everything and needed something to motivate me in-game. So Ruminations was born! I love Skyrim and hope you find this blog as enjoyable as I do! Feel free to comment and share among various mediums (just make sure you send them back my way)!

Did I overlook one of your favorite Skyrim aspects? Email me at and I’ll spotlight it!

*Ruminations cover image from

**This is a fan-blog. I do not claim to own The Elder Scrolls, Skyrim, or Bethesda.

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