Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hoarding in Skyrim

Does anyone else have a terrible time hoarding in Skyrim? I am nearing level 50 on my main profile and still feel the need to take the single pieces of gold off of draugr. I still check every animal, every urn, and just anything I can! I have a ridiculous amount of money! I could buy everything a merchant is selling and still have more money than I know what to do with!

Omg this bothers me so much.... even if I can clearly see that it says -empty I still freakin open the container then I rage at myself for being so stupid:
All the empties!!!
Ever wondered what kind of Skyrim hoarder you are? Well, there's a photo for that!
(I'm a mix of The Maximum-alist and The Sentimentalist.)

And, last but not least:

I hope this has helped you realize that you are not alone, because it certainly makes me feel better.

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