Monday, October 12, 2015

Mod Monday - Enhanced Camera

I was ecstatic when I discovered the Enhanced Camera by LogicDragon. I used to be a primarily third person gamer and when I eventually switched to first person, I was irritated when I found out that we were basically floating heads (also with arms, strangely enough)! That's why I love the enhanced camera. It lets you actually see your body if you simply look down!

Images from Nexus Website
This mod also turns almost anything that is normally in third person, into first person! This includes smithing, alchemy, enchanting, horse riding, dragon riding, etc.

Tempering an Iron Sword in first person.
It's a fairly simple concept that is really easy to get used to in-game and just adds an extra layer of immersion to Skyrim.

Go play Skyrim, they said! -
You thought there wouldn't be a gif...

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