Thursday, October 8, 2015

Sadly Intentional and Purely Accidental Murder

*Sorry about neglecting the blog this week, guys. I've been working on Midterm things and completely forgot.*

Disney Does Spring
Does anyone else feel really guilty about killing butterflies and lightning bugs in Skyrim? I feel really bad about it. "I'm sorry but I need to rip of you wings... FOR MAGIC! I mean... FOR SCIENCE!"

This was my face. However, I do still catch butterflies. I just want you to know that I genuinely feel badly about it. The butterflies are suffering, and I do not feel happy about it.

I just feel bad about killing anything that doesn't want to kill me. But I really feel bad about hurting spriggans. "You're so beautiful! Please don't stab my face!" *spriggan begins to control the creatures around it* "No Mr. Fox! Please no! I LOVE YOU!!!" *cries while repeatedly stabbing the cute little fox in the face*

Above all, I hate accidentally killing things. I swing my sword around, people! Learn to dodge that sh*t! I've given up on having any horse other than Shadowmere. I keep accidentally killing them from either falling damage or them charging in to kill a damn dragon! (I got a mod to prevent horses from attacking completely because it bugged me so much) Dogs also die pretty quick. I just stopped trying, completely. I am a lone warrior because I accidentally kill people. (Also why my followers have to be essential, because I will kill them. On accident, I swear!)

 "Really dude? You get in the way of me fighting and you're gonna get mad when I accidentally hit you? Can we please sort this out AFTER we kill the giant dragon that's killing everyone? I need a dragonsoul!":

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