Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Paarthurnax Dilemma...

(Before we begin, yes I stole the name of this post from a mod, and because I'm nice, I'll link it here.)

Paarthurnax - Beautiful Dovahkiin : Foto:
Paarthurnax himself.

If you have played through Skyrim's main quest, you know who Paarthurnax is. The ever popular question: "Did you kill him?" Well? Did you??? I'd say that I won't judge if you did kill him, but that would be a lie. I couldn't kill him and don't think that I ever could.

I do this if I don't particularly like the task that I've been asked to do.  Then I think of all the "XP" I'm earning.  ;):

When the Blades gave me this quest, I was literally sick to my stomach. I didn't want to do it! He helped me, he understood me and what I was going through when no one else did. I'm half dragon! I'm Dovahkiin. The dragons are my kin! I stopped playing the main quest for a while and focused on other quests. When I finished many of them, I turned my gaze back to Paarthurnax. I visited him often and tried to think of what to do. I turned to Google. I hadn't modded Skyrim yet and was reluctant to do so (I don't know why), so I cheated instead. Since I play on PC, I followed a walkthrough to change the outcome with console commands.

What is better.. to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort:
One of the most popular Skyrim quotes...
I swear that Paarthurnax says this just to tug at our heartstrings. I know that the Blades say that he did terrible things, but don't we all in our adolescence? We all do things we're not proud of but he is doing his best to make up for it. He did overcome his evil nature to become a generally good dragon-being. These are a few of the reasons I could not and can not kill Paarthurnax.

And now, your daily gif!
this is so funny!!
In addition to loving Skyrim, I also love cats...

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