Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Weird Wednesday???

When you open a door when playing Skyrim on console:

So... I was running around my Skyrim board on pinterest and didn't know what else to post. You all are totally welcome to follow me on pinterest. However, "Weird Wednesdays" aren't really going to be a thing. Today is an off day.

I hate it when this happens!

Skooma PSA.:

I watched a giant do this to a group of bandits. I was a safe distance away but I could see them getting wrecked by the giant. Then one of the bandits was flung into the air and his body came flying down next to me and scared me shitless. I laughed for a good hour.

Lol yes so true!:

I'm so sorry internet, but I had to post this...




random skyrim gifs - Google Search
I'm sorry...

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