Tuesday, October 20, 2015

I've Had it With These MF Chaurus in this MF Game!

So this morning I took yet another Buzzfeed quiz. Seriously, if you haven't taken these things IF YOU START YOU WILL GET ADDICTED. Just a fair warning. Anyway, this morning I took a Skyrim Buzzfeed quiz: "What Animal From 'Skyrim' Are You?" Lo and behold, I got the Chaurus, one of the most despised "animals" in-game.

I got Chaurus! Which Animal From "Skyrim" Are You?:

"You are probably the scariest creature in Skyrim. You do a lot of damage and can take out your enemies in almost no time. No one wants to mess with you or get on your bad side. Also, why don’t you ever die?"

Well thanks Buzzfeed. Now I have something to rant about.

Believe me. I can find a Skyrim Confession for just about anything.
So some basic stats on the Chaurus and Chaurus Reaper:

Chaurus 3D
Level - 12
Health - 253
Magicka - 4
Stamina - 137
Spell/Ability - Poison spit attack
Resistance - 50% Poison Resistance

Level - 20
Health - 371
Magicka - 4
Stamina - 214
Spell/Ability - Poison spit attack
Resistance - 50% Poison Resistance 

So, yeah. These guys suck. Add on a few Falmer at a distance and some Falmer up close and you might as well start digging a hole where you stand-

Yes. Thank you Harry.

This has been a brief overview of those terrible creatures that can be found in the deepest depths of Skyrim. The chaurus is not the only creepy creature in the deepest dark but it is one of the most passionately despised by most gamers.

And I'll leave you with your terrible joke of the day.

1 comment:

  1. These are amazing creatures , badass, i Hunt Them down whenever i find Them , because they make great armor !
