Monday, October 19, 2015

Mod Monday - Civil War Repairs

Did it bug you as much as it bugged me that Whiterun and Solitude were completely mangled by the Civil War? No? Well it bugged the crap out of me! Civil War Repairs by terrific01 does what I want it to do and does it nice and neatly.

Look no further than Civil War Repairs!

It's a pretty simple mod that is desperately needed. I hate that the well in the Solitude market fell and this mod shows that the people of Solitude value the place in which they live and repared it to represent such. Sames goes with the Gildergreen in Whiterun. The shrine was nearly destroyed and the Temple cares so deeply about the Gildergreen to send you out to help it but not enough to fix the area around it? I find that it conflicts with the apparent determination that the Nords have.

Anyway, enough moaning and groaning. Go out and fix up Skyrim you damn faithless Imperials!

And speaking of the Civil War, did this happen to you?
Skyrim: Sense of Urgency by ~PParreira on deviantART i had this moment when a dragon was attacking:

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