Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Let Me Guess, Someone Stole Your Sweetroll

"Let me guess, someone stole your sweetroll." Is a phrase very often heard in Skyrim from the local guards. Haven't heard it yet? Here's a link. This simple line gets increasingly irritating over time, believe you me.

Anyway. Today is Food Day! No, Food Day is not a real thing but today I'm posting about Skyrim inspired foods, desserts specifically. Just in case something like this has happened:

This cake is not a good enough apology! Fix your handwriting you skyrim-killing FUCK!!!:

Make better apology food. Make Skyrim apology food!

Foods of Skyrim: Sweet Rolls Recipe --- Perfect individual desserts, as opposed to cake. I don't even like cake that much.:
Recipe by Rachel Whitaker

Foods of Skyrim: Boiled Creme Treat. Here's a funny fact about me, whenever I played Skyrim I'd steal all the Boiled Creme Treats in the game and horde them in a barrel in my house. I really like cream filled treats..:
Recipe by Rachel Whitaker

Picture of Foods of Skyrim: Honey Nut Treat game:
Recipe by Rachel Whitaker

Moon Sugar Recipe by Feasty Geeks

Cook Fiction | Snowberry Crostata | Inspired by: Skyrim-Hearthfire:
"Snowberry" Crostata Recipe by CookFiction

LOL...if you play Skyrim like we do you will crack up at this...who hasn't done this during a tough fight? lol:
Don't eat 87 potatoes, cook food!

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